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Korbut Flip brings together the works of artists to reflect on contemporary narratives where the boundaries of the body and mind are pushed to their extremes. In an era where the lines of truth blur, it invites us to witness how artists meticulously plan their own “Dead Loops”. “Korbut Flip” exhibition can be visited between January 31 - February 22, 2025 from Tuesday to Saturday between 12.00-19.00.

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The An Open Door exhibition aims to explore the multi-layered nature of the door image in the context of time and space. An open door creates a space of freedom that carries the fear of the unknown while symbolizing the beginning of privacy as an invitation. In this sense, the exhibition invites viewers to experience spatial interpretations and the dynamics of the inside-outside relationship that contain psychologically challenging elements. 

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Zwölf Künstler aus verschiedenen Regionen der Welt sind im Bis Kulturzentrum. 22.09 - 03.11.2024

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Galeri Rompone presents a summer exhibition featuring 13 artists.  Running time: june 29th - august 24th

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SANATORIUM is participating in Art Dubai 2024 with works from Yunus Emre Erdoğan, Erol Eskiciand Christiane Peschek. You can visit the fair from February 28 to March 3 at Madinat Jumeirah. Our booth number is A2.

Davetiye  Ates Cagi_ Invitation Age of F

The Age of Fire

Curator: Can Akgümüş

04.11.- 27.11

The Age of Fire exhibition, curated by Can Akgümüş, with support of the German Embassy Ankara, ​​will open at Çankaya Contemporary Arts Center on November 4th 2023 bringing together 35 artists who create in the field of contemporary art on the topic of the climate crises.

Inspired by the philosophy of deep ecology, the artists adopted styles that convey their reflections on the Anthropocene using material diversity, their direct relations with nature and earth, as well as their vision for the future.


Preliminary list of artists: Metin Celik · Andreana Dobreva · Erol Eskici · Marek Kvetan · Wolfe von Lenkiewicz · Nikola Markovic · Mihael Milunovic · Jina Park · Leopold Rabus · Richard Stipl · Sergiu Toma · Marko Velk

Curator: Kristína Zaťko Jarošová and Patrik Steinhauser

Opening: 01.10.2023

Duration: 01.10.2023 – 31.12.2023

ZOYA Museum, Partizánska 2275

The 'Stable Dreams' exhibition, where reality meets imagination, brings together the works of 21 artists under the supervision of Yekhan Pınarlıgil. 

25 November 2022 - 21 January 2023

SANATORIUM presents Erol Eskici’s solo show Unintended Monuments between the dates November 25, 2022 - January 21, 2023. The exhibition brings together Eskici’s works based on “Unintended Monuments”, one of the important points of the conceptual framework that Austrian art historian Aloïs Riegl defined and established in his article titled “The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Character and Origin” (1903).

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